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November 13, 2023
2 min read

What’s new: November Apphud SDKs Update

We are excited to announce the latest update to the Apphud iOS and Android SDKs! In these updates, we have made several improvements and fixes to enhance the performance and stability of our platform.

What’s new: November Apphud SDKs Update

Fallback solution

First, we are committed to our core principle of reliability. We continue to make our infrastructure more stable. Even though Apphud's uptime is 100%, we continue to make our infrastructure more stable with the fallback solution. Just add a JSON config file to your app resources and if Apphud is unavailable for any reason or doesn’t respond in time, a JSON from the app will be used. This allows users to make purchases without any limitation.

Apphud iOS SDK update

What's new in Apphud iOS SDK 3.1.3:

  • Added paywalls fallback mode. Just add a Paywalls JSON file to the resources folder, which will be used as a fallback in a rare case of Apphud unavailability. JSON file can be downloaded from Apphud Products Hub.
  • Refactored all models to conform to the Codable protocol.
  • Fixed deprecated method warnings.
  • Added actors for thread-safe collections for iOS 15+.
  • Fixed a bug when paywallsDidLoadCallback was not called if it failed to retrieve products from the App Store.
  • Fixed a bug when screens were not showing up immediately if Apphud SDK responded faster than the application became active.
  • Fixed a warning from Xcode when refreshing the receipt.
  • Fixed a bug when deferred purchase delegate callback was not called in all cases.
  • Objective-C apps are now supported only in Observer mode. Consider writing your own bridge class to call Apphud SDK's Swift methods if necessary.

Apphud Android SDK Udate

What’s new in Apphud Android SDK 2.1.0:

  • Added paywalls fallback mode. Just add a Paywalls JSON file to the resources folder, which will be used as a fallback in a rare case of Apphud unavailability. JSON file can be downloaded from Apphud Products Hub.
  • Added a method to make a purchase by product ID.
  • Added an option to choose between acknowledging or consuming in-app products in a purchase method.
  • Added a method fun userCanceled(): Boolean to ApphudPurchaseResult.
  • SDK will not try to fetch AD_ID if permission is missing in the Manifest file.
  • Internal refactors.

Additional Apphud product updates

  • Add the ARPAS metric to the A/B test analysis.
  • Add the Trial cancelations event to the main Dashboard.


In conclusion, the Apphud SDK version 3.1.2 brings significant improvements and fixes that enhance the performance, stability, and overall user experience. We encourage all developers to update to the latest version to take advantage of these enhancements. For more details, please visit the Apphud's GitHub profile

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We are committed to providing the best tools and services to help you succeed in your app development journey.

Co-founder at Apphud
Ex iOS app and game developer. 11 years in the industry since iOS 3. More than 50 apps are in the background with 4 exits. Entrepreneur and traveler.

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