Choose a plan that fits your budget and goals. Start for free with no credit card required.
Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions
Validate App Store and Google Play receipts
Implement subscription offers with no server code
Revenue analytics
Understand why customers cancel subscriptions
Run A/B experiments to test different in-app purchase prices
Save 15% with annual plans
Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions
Validate App Store and Google Play receipts
Implement subscription offers with no server code
Revenue analytics
Understand why customers cancel subscriptions
Run A/B experiments to test different in-app purchase prices
Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions
Validate App Store and Google Play receipts
Implement subscription offers with no server code
Revenue analytics
Understand why customers cancel subscriptions
Run A/B experiments to test different in-app purchase prices
Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions
Validate App Store and Google Play receipts
Implement subscription offers with no server code
Revenue analytics
Understand why customers cancel subscriptions
Run A/B experiments to test different in-app purchase prices
Free$0 / month
Pro$49 / month
Expert$59 / month
EnterpriseContact us
Monthly tracked revenue included
Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions
Validate App Store and Google Play receipts
Implement subscription offers with no server code
StoreKit 2
Google Billing V5
Revenue analytics
Detailed user page with transaction history
Saved charts
ARPU/ARPPU/ARPAS, churn analysis, conversion funnels
Cohort analysis
Integrations with 20+ external tools
Manual and automated push notifications
Visual screen builder
Web-to-App solution
Pricing and paywall experiments
Placements in experiments
LTV Predictions
Server-to-server webhooks
Customers API
On-demand raw data exports
Daily Data Exports
1 seat5 seats10 seatsUnlimitedSupport
Email and communityOnline chatHigher priority chatPremium supportEarning more than $100,000 per month?
Contact us, and we will offer special pricing, dedicated
account manager and complex technical support.