What’s new: Average Revenues Report, New Overall Proceeds Metric in A/B Testing, Google Ads for Web Conversions, and more.Let’s see
Why Apphud?PricingContact

Simple affordable pricing

Choose a plan that fits your budget and goals. Start for free with no credit card required.

$10,000 MTR included
Cross-platform in-app purchases infrastructureReal-time revenue analyticsPrecise proceeds tracking (VAT + Apple exchange rate)Remote products configuration1 seat availableEmail and community support
See details

Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions

Validate App Store and Google Play receipts

Implement subscription offers with no server code

Revenue analytics

Understand why customers cancel subscriptions

Run A/B experiments to test different in-app purchase prices


Save 15% with annual plans

$5,000 MTR included
free until $1,000 MTR
All from Free plan and…5 seatsAdvanced reports (Renewals Performance, Free Trials Performance, Refund Requests, etc.)Saved chartsExperimentsPlacements in experimentsRulesIntegrationsASA-attributionCustom user audiencesOnline chat supportCustomers API
See details

Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions

Validate App Store and Google Play receipts

Implement subscription offers with no server code

Revenue analytics

Understand why customers cancel subscriptions

Run A/B experiments to test different in-app purchase prices

ExpertBest Choice
$5,000 MTR included
free until $1,000 MTR
All from Pro plan and…LTV PredictionsServer-to-Server WebhooksDaily Data ExportsCustom user properties segmentation10 seatsHigher priority online-chat supportPrioritized feature requestsAssisted onboardingNew features early access
See details

Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions

Validate App Store and Google Play receipts

Implement subscription offers with no server code

Revenue analytics

Understand why customers cancel subscriptions

Run A/B experiments to test different in-app purchase prices

$100,000+ MTR
All from Expert plan and…On-demand raw data exportsPremium supportVolume discountsPersonal onboardingDedicated support manager One-on-one sessions with Apphud experts
See details

Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions

Validate App Store and Google Play receipts

Implement subscription offers with no server code

Revenue analytics

Understand why customers cancel subscriptions

Run A/B experiments to test different in-app purchase prices

Win back refunds add-on

Streamline your refund management process and reduce revenue loss with automated responses to Apple’s App Store refund requests.

Free$0 / month

Pro$49 / month

Expert$59 / month

EnterpriseContact us

Monthly tracked revenue included

Monthly Tracked Revenue is calculated across all apps. For each app, MTR is the revenue in USD reported to Apphud during one billing period before Apple cut. We count only real transactions, sandbox purchases are not counted.


Integrate and handle cross-platform in-app subscriptions


Validate App Store and Google Play receipts


Implement subscription offers with no server code


StoreKit 2


Google Billing V5


Revenue analytics


Detailed user page with transaction history


Saved charts


ARPU/ARPPU/ARPAS, churn analysis, conversion funnels


Cohort analysis


Integrations with 20+ external tools


Manual and automated push notifications


Visual screen builder


Web-to-App solution


Pricing and paywall experiments


Placements in experiments


LTV Predictions


Server-to-server webhooks


Customers API


On-demand raw data exports


Daily Data Exports



1 seat5 seats10 seatsUnlimited


Email and communityOnline chatHigher priority chatPremium support

Enterprise plan

Earning more than $100,000 per month?
Contact us, and we will offer special pricing, dedicated
account manager and complex technical support.

Enterprise plan

Got a question?

What is MTR?
Monthly Tracked Revenue is calculated across all apps. For each app, MTR is the revenue in USD reported to Apphud during one billing period before Apple cut. We count only real transactions, sandbox purchases are not counted.
What if I go over MTR included to my plan?
Once you’ve run out of MTR included in your plan you will be charged additional overage rate:
  • $9.99 per additional $1,000 MTR on Pro plan
  • $11.99 per additional $1,000 MTR on Expert plan
  • Custom rate on Enterprise plan
I’m on a Free plan. What if my MTR goes over $10,000?
We don't stop collecting data for the weekly grace period – for the next 7 days Apphud SDK will continue working as normal.

After grace period is over we will still handle IAP purchases, but won't track subscription renewals, and you won’t have access to the dashboard.
What’s the difference between paid plans?
Enterprise plan will be cheaper if your MTR is high. There are several premium features available on paid plans only. View the list of them above.
Are all features included to all plans?
No. View the list of features available on paid plans only above.
Read the documentation or contact us.
Explore the docs and feel free to reach out.

Getting started is easy. Try Apphud today

Build better apps with Apphud. No credit card required. Free for startups.