What’s new in Apphud: Renewals Performance Report, Real-time User Properties for Paywalls, and iOS SDK Update.Let’s see
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September 12, 2020
3 min read

What's new: OneSignal integration and User properties

Introducing OneSignal integration and custom user properties.

What's new: OneSignal integration and User properties

OneSignal integration

We are happy to announce partnership with OneSignal. OneSignal is a mobile push notifications, web push, and in-app messaging platform.

Apphud now can update User Tags in OneSignal. Tags are key-value attributes that allow you to target specific users or groups using Segments and send personalized messages with Tag Substitution.

Using this integration, you will be able to send personalized push or in-app message, when specific event occurs, like trial_canceled.

Read more about how to set up integration in our documentation.

OneSignal integration setup in ApphudOneSignal integration setup in Apphud

Using OneSignal and Apphud Rules simultaneously

If you are using Apphud Rules, you will need incoming push notifications to be handled by either Apphud or OneSignal. However, without necessary changes OneSignal doesn’t let notifications go through. You can read about necessary changes here.

Custom User Properties

Now you can set custom user properties from iOS/Android app. There are two new methods:

func setUserProperty(key: ApphudUserPropertyKey, value: Any?, setOnce: Bool = false)


func incrementUserProperty(key: ApphudUserPropertyKey, by: Any)

Using these methods, you can update your custom or built-in user attributes, like emailnamegender,agecohort. You can store any basic types: String, Boolean, Float, Integer or null. Read more about user properties in our Apphud.swift file in Apphud SDK sources.

User properties in Apphud User pageUser properties in Apphud User page

Later this fall we will add ability to send these attributes as custom properties to Integrations, as well as filtering events and revenue in Charts. Also, we will update Rules section, so that you will be able to send emails to win back churned users.

So update you SDK now and start collecting user attributes that will help you to analyze user behavior better!

CEO & Co-founder at Apphud
Serial IT entrepreneur with expertise in mobile app monetization. Former iOS developer and UI/UX designer with 12-year background in the mobile industry, fueled by a passion for innovation.