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July 01, 2020
3 min read

What's new: the "Events" tab, new events, users export

We continue improving and adding new features to Apphud. In this update we've added new "Events" tab, introduce new events and users export to CSV.

What's new: the "Events" tab, new events, users export


Here you can view a list of all in-app purchases events across your app. Use filter to find certain events and view if the event was successfully sent to each integration.

the "Events" tabthe "Events" tab

Introducing new events: trial canceled and subscription canceled

UPDATE. Apphud now supports 29 types of events.

We've added two new events: trial_canceled and subscription_canceled. Thus, subscriptions with trials are now separated from those without trials. So it became much easier to analyze conversions now. Apphud creates trial_canceled when autorenew is turned off for any non-paid subscription. This is also related to subscriptions with free trial promotional offer and non-paid subscriptions that are in billing retry period. Subscription Canceled Event (subscription_canceled) is created when autorenew is turned off for any paid subscription. This is also related to subscriptions with paid introductory offer, paid promotional offer and paid subscriptions that are in billing retry period.

Autorenew Disabled Event is being currently sent as well, but marked as deprecated. You can disable this event in Integration settings

trial_canceled and subscription_canceled eventstrial_canceled and subscription_canceled events

Set up trial_canceled and subscription_canceled events

Read more about all Apphud events in documentation.

Export users to CSV

Export users to CSV file on "Users" tab. You can use this data for further analysis in Excel or Google Sheets, or create Lookalike Facebook audience. Please note, that filter is being taken into consideration while exporting users.

Export users to CSVExport users to CSV

Other features and improvements

  • We completely redesigned Telegram integration. Now it's based on our own Telegram Bot.
  • View if event was successfully sent to integration right on User's page.
View integrations state on User's pageView integrations state on User's page
  • A lot of work has been done "under the hood", several errors have been fixed.

We continue improving Apphud. Now we are working on a dashboard. Subscription conversions and other metrics will be added soon. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in chat – we will help. Have a great day and stay safe!

CEO & Co-founder at Apphud
Serial IT entrepreneur with expertise in mobile app monetization. Former iOS developer and UI/UX designer with 12-year background in the mobile industry, fueled by a passion for innovation.