In Apphud, we store detailed in-app purchases-related data with almost 30 events at the most granular level. We collect every single app’s user profile and event with various properties. And, to ensure that you can access that “data treasury” and effectively export it for further deeper analysis, we are happy to announce the integration with the most popular cloud storage service – Amazon S3!
Want to know more? Then take a look at our integration docs.
Besides, we’ve updated and returned the Refund Rate chart as well as a dashboard metric. This is the percentage of the total transactions that were completely refunded during a period of time. Now it’s more relevant and accurate.
A high permanent refund rate (10-15% and above) is a very dangerous signal. This means that you may have implemented scam mechanics or some problems with the app. Keep in mind that App stores don’t like apps with a high refund rate and can easily ban them.
In addition to that, we also made some minor changes to give you more flexibility in conducting the analysis or debugging integrations.
We added a filter by integration type and status (sent, skipped, failed). From now on, you'll be able to debug integrations way easier.
Now you can test completely different paywalls without including the default one (i.e. A/B-test target paywall). That's a useful feature if you want to experiment with different prices and countries.
Some events were skipped in Mixpanel integration due to this analytical system limitation. Fortunately, there is a way to send even delayed events to Mixpanel. With a new Mixpanel integration Send Historical events option all events will be eventually delivered!
Now you can also analyze paywall events by days/weeks/months and cluster them as follows: shown, closed, checkout initiated, and payment canceled.
In Apphud our goal has always been to make charts/cohorts work as smoothly as possible. After we updated the analytics engine and improved dashboard/charts/cohorts performance, our analytical system became 4 times faster!
Of course, it depends on charts and selected options, but we re-write/optimize a lot of DB queries. The result is very promising right now and we won’t stop on this!
We want our product to be fast, efficient, and multifunctional and these upgrades help us to move in the right direction. Sign up for FREE and test them yourself!