Firebase A/B Testing helps you to test your app’s UI, features, and push notification texts on some small audience before rolling out to the wide public. We will concentrate on classic Remote Config tests.
Remote Config – is a cloud key-value hash map, which usually loads on app launch. You can store app logic parameters and any values that affect your app's UI or logic. I think almost every app developer used to work with Remote Config.
While creating A/B tests users can set exposure in percents, variants, and their weights. However, the most interesting part is the goal metric. You can choose between crash-free users, retention, purchase revenue metrics, and others. The most important metric in most cases is Purchase Revenue.
The results table is quite simple. You can view Total revenue and ARPU values among each variant. But that's it. This is the maximum you can view in Firebase.
In Firebase A/B Testing:
By adding just a few lines of code you can send remote config values (which includes experiment values) to Apphud. And view results in Apphud Charts.
User Properties is a custom key-value hash map attached to a user. Values can be set once, can be incremented, or updated. You can set properties after the app launch or at any time.
Apphud.setUserProperty(key: .email, value: "[email protected]", setOnce: true) Apphud.setUserProperty(key: .age, value: 31)
Besides built-in fields, you can also send your values, including Firebase remote config values.
, Float
, Double
, Bool
, String
, NSNumber
, NSString
, NSNull
, nil
.While creating A/B tests you can add as many parameters as you wish in each variant. When creating a new A/B test add a new parameter with a key as a unique test name and values as each variant name. See the screenshot below.
In the screenshot, there is a paywall_type
parameter that is being tested with the v1 and v2 values as variants.
Assuming both Apphud and Firebase SDKs are initialised:
RemoteConfig.remoteConfig().fetchAndActivate { _, _ in DispatchQueue.main.async { RemoteConfig.remoteConfig().allKeys(from: .remote).forEach { configKey in let configValue = RemoteConfig.remoteConfig().configValue(forKey: configKey) if let string = configValue.stringValue, string.count > 0 { Apphud.setUserProperty(key: .init(configKey), value: string, setOnce: true) } } } }
In Charts you can add filter by clicking Where. Choose your test name and enter the value:
and view your charts:
All done!
On the Users page, there are also Filters where you can filter out users from the experiment with user properties filters applied.
There is the Export Users button on the Users page where you can export your users in CSV with user properties filters applied.
So, let’s summarize – if you use Firebase for A/B-testing, give Apphud User Properties a try! You can get really helpful insights and enrich your experiment results. Have a great day!
To get more insights regarding subscription app revenue growth read the Apphud Blog.