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March 13, 2021
4 min read

What's new: React Native/Flutter SDK, Charts Export, Apple Receipt Checker and more

We've prepared a massive update of Apphud and released the new gorgeous features.

What's new: React Native/Flutter SDK, Charts Export, Apple Receipt Checker and more

React Native/Flutter SDK

Cross-platform mobile apps are growing fast and we proud to present new SDKs! Go check it and feel free to open pull requests on Github if you have any ideas or improvements.

Both React Native and Flutter are lightweight open-source libraries, high-level wrappers to Apphud native (iOS/Android) SDKs.

What's currently supported:

  • Purchase using Apphud Billing Client
  • Check Subscription Status
  • Get Products
  • Get Subscription Details
  • Check Non-renewing Purchase Status
  • Get Non-renewing Purchase Details
  • Get User ID
  • Integrations
  • Restore Purchases (iOS only)
  • Observer Mode (Android only)
  • Migrate existing purchases (Android only)

Flutter SDK

Basic initialization looks like this:

await ApphudSdk.start({ apiKey: "your_api_key" });


React Native SDK

Basic initialization looks like this:

await AppHud.start(apiKey: "apiKey");


Custom User Properties on Android

Last year, we released the ability to send any custom user properties on iOS and we believe that’s a useful feature. You can use it to implement some scenarios and better understand users' behavior, like analyzing Firebase A/B test results.

Apple Receipt Checker

Apple Receipt CheckerApple Receipt Checker

With made a simple and convenient tool to debug in-app purchases. No more headache with command-line, curl, and other stuff like that. Save your time – just grab Base64 encoded receipt data and the app’s shared secret. That’s it! Get JSON-formatted receipt data. And, of course, it’s completely safe – none of your data is being collected.

Try now, it's free!

Charts Export into CSV

Sort your data in Charts and Export into CSVSort your data in Charts and Export into CSV

Long-awaited feature – sort your data in the charts and then download it for further analysis in Excel or any advanced BI tool. All the data are being processed in the background and then sent to your email. We store the link for 48 hours.

Convenient Search in the Charts Segments

Convenient Search in the Charts SegmentsConvenient Search in the Charts Segments

You said that the UX of segments in the Charts were not perfect. It was hard to sort out anything when you have to deal with dozens of them. So, now you can simply search by the desired segment name or select items with one click.

Furthermore, we've put total counts (where applicable) into the additional column. By default, you will see top revenue segments first (say, if it’s a Sales chart, and you do segmentation with the Country by IP option).

ARPU/ARPPU in Dashboard

ARPU/ARPPU in DashboardARPU/ARPPU in Dashboard

Both ARPU and ARPPU show how're things going with the app’s economy, so it’s good to have it on the dashboard to keep the hand on the pulse. More dashboard improvements are coming soon.

Other Updates

We have also re-grouped Events charts, and released iOS SDK 1.1 with some improvements. And, yes – we’ve finally rolled out Churned Revenue chart!

Stay tuned and take care! Have a great day!

Head of Business Development at Apphud
10+ years of experience in Project Management and Business Development. Jane began her professional journey as a Sales Manager. Over time, she successfully established herself as Product Owner, and BizDev Lead.